The present has overcome the past. I'm not afraid to be me anymore and I don't look back.
I'm home schooled. My mom does things a little bit differently than most other homeschooling moms. About a week before school starts she drags about 10 big boxes out of the closet and starts deciding what stuff we'll need for the year.
I always dread that fateful evening, but this year it's different. I was praying about school this year and I felt like God was reminding me that what the school year is like, I'm going to decide.
It's not always about how hard you're going to have to work on school or what classes you take, but what attitude you have about them. I want to learn this year. I want to do well. I don't know about you, but I want to LIKE school!
This is the present overcoming the past.
So lets continue to strive to live Ever in the Present Moment...
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