There is something wrong with the picture I see, this culture and it's so called freedom. Haven't you read the stories in the Bible of the people who met for church in secret, and if they were discovered, they died? They knew they needed freedom to worship God. They strove for it, pushed until they got it. And now that we think we have it, we're tired of it. Why is it that what we don't have we want, and what we do have we don't want. Once we get what we think we want, we don't want it anymore. We think happiness lies in that newest cd, or in the latest style of jeans or that amazing red convertible. We think that the elusive feeling we call happiness lies around the next bend. That just around the corner we will discover the very thing needed to complete our lives. What we don't know is that the corner we see is part of a circle that will only lead us right back to where we started - unhappy and wanting what we don't have.
.k grace.
.k grace.
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