Yesterday I was slightly crabby and annoyed (partly cuz I had just burnt my hand on a very hot pan) so I called my best friend, the other author of this blog, kIaNa!!!! (also known to me as Buttercup) After we talked and she cheered me up she sent me this.
Darlin, Darlin, you're so grand!
You're sweeter than the best chocolate in all the land!
Friends like you are sooo very high in demand,
So keep your head up, Darlin' cuz I wub you more than ocean sand =D
xoxo ~Buttercup
I felt so special and loved that I wanted to tell the whole wide world about the bestestest best friend in the whole wide world.
Kiana never minds if I call her and complain. She sympathizes when I need sympathy and tells me to snap out of it when I get too deep into my pity party. She loves it when I call her because I am excited. She squeals and giggles and and gets just as excited as I do when something goes well. I know I can trust her with any and every secret I want to tell her. She lets me rant and rave about frustrations just to get them off my chest and then when I am ready to move to a new subject she makes me laugh and forget about being mad. She also calls me and tells me everything that's going on in her life and asks for advice and tells me about the horrible things and the spectacularly great things that happen in her life. This makes me feel trusted and loved because I know I am the first friend she will call about stuff. And I give her my best advice, which is reserved for her, and sympathize with her problems and help her forget them, and I get excited every time something cool happens in her life, cuz I love it when she's happy....which seems to be most of the time. If things are going well for her I have hope that they can go well for me, too.
Even though we see each other about once a year, sometimes only for a day, she has never given up on me. I have never had a more faithful and true and loving friend ever. Which is why she is my best friend. We live almost 2,000 miles apart but she has never failed once to be there for me. I plan on being there forever for her, too, just so you know. We have known each other our whole lives. (Ok, ok, so I was six months old when she was born, it's still practically my whole life) Even though she moved away when we were three, we never lost touch. When our parents didn't keep in contact as much, we kept the relationship going between our families (and we were little kids!!!!!) Our families try to get together every year. (thank you Jesus! I couldn't live without my bff, it would be so hard to never ever see her) I look forward to seeing her all year, from the very second she gives me that sad look as one of us walks out the door to the car to leave, until we get to see each other again.
So, kIaNa, Buttercup, I just want you to know, you are my favoritest bestest most beautifulest gorgeousest prettiest specialest funnest coolest spectacularly fantastically awesomely extremely sweetest faithfulest lovingest caringest best friend and I wouldn't trade you for anybody else in the world, cuz you are perfect just the way you are.
I yub you, Buttercup!!! <3
.k grace.